Monday, 1 November 2010

This is What We Call Declining Quality

I just sent in my first set of weirdly scattershot paragraphs to my supervisor, with a note saying that I realize that it's all over the place but that I think it's productively all over the place. (When I wrote up my MPhil thesis, I basically wrote the first two chapters meticulously, then ended up scrapping them entirely when I ended up writing about something completely different. I think he understands why I'm taking this approach.) But although the transitions are weak, a lot of the ideas are there - and there were over 10,000 coherently structured words on the page, which puts me at 10%. I hope it's okay that the death knell for this blog will probably be its slow decline into percentage points, until it can be replaced by an illustration of a thermometer and then finally a blank page that just says 404 page not found. That is when you'll know I'm a doctor.


Sara said...

You should Nanowrimo your dissertation.

Ryan said...

I actually vowed on Facebook earlier today to make this NaPhDWriMo. So far, so good!