Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Books, Books, and Book Club

It's my last three days of fieldwork in New York before a month of reading, writing, transcribing, consolidating, shipping, packing, brief but furious reveling, and and flying to Cape Town on June 30, and I'm sitting in the middle of a canyon of files and cassettes and unread books and I'm starting to think that that month isn't going to be enough. Meh, I'll cross my fingers and hope I make headway.

Perversely, I might sprinkle in more reading for pleasure just to make everything else halfway manageable. It was actually kind of sad that tonight was potentially my last book club with Wendy and Emma - after I picked The History of White People last month and not very many people showed up, we switched to fiction tonight and we had the whole group back together for The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay. I think I finally realized why I liked the book - it basically transposes a queer family and a whole network of artists, immigrants, bohemians, gay men, and independent women onto the 1950s, and I am apparently a sucker for ahistorical progressivism. I told Erika this over email, but I'm really going to miss book club at Oxford - reading things that don't have anything to do with gross violations of human rights is pretty much the only thing that keeps me from coming across as a sociopath at parties. The books piled up around me do not bode well for any parties in the month of June.

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