Friday, 30 May 2008

No Laughing Matter

I need a really good joke by Sunday, so this is everybody's chance to shine. It's one of the requirements for running for a position in our MCR, and since I'm running unopposed, it really just has to be witty enough (and offend few enough people) that everyone won't vote to reopen nominations. It's sad that I need help to not lose to myself, but there you go.

1 comment:

A said...

Told by a priest at a lecture series in my church, this is the only joke I know by heart:

"Three couples die in car crashes on the same night, and they all ascend to heaven and meet St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. The first couple comes forward and he says to the first husband, "No Heaven for you. Why, while you were on earth, you cared not for your fellow man. You and your wife were workaholics, not for love of your jobs but for the money it provided you. You hoarded your earnings and gave nothing to those in need. Money was truly your god. Look at your wife's name: Penny."

The first couple disappears, and the second comes forward. St. Peter again begins, "No Heaven for you. Like those other two, while you were on earth, you cared not for your fellow man. You and your wife enjoyed the high life and spent extravagantly on entertaining, not because you wanted to make your friends happy, but because you loved food and drink. You ate richly and drank far more than you should, rather than feeding and giving drink to those in need. Above all else, alcohol was truly your god. Look at your wife's name: Sherry."

The third husband turns to his wife and says, "Fanny, let's get out of here. We don't stand a chance."

Hope this does the trick.