Monday, 4 February 2008

You Know It's Monday When

Part of the reason that the eight week terms at Oxford fly by so quickly (aside from the fact that they're only eight weeks) is that I get two long reading lists every Thursday, hang out in the library all weekend, plot out an essay on Monday, type it on Tuesday and Wednesday, turn it in that evening, and begin the cycle again. So you'd be forgiven for thinking that I was ahead if you peered down from the heavens tonight at 7:30, when I was sitting cross-legged on a couch in Jericho eating sushi and drinking wine for a friend's birthday. You'd be quickly corrected if you stopped back at 11:30, when I morosely scooped two spoonfuls of Nescafe into my hot chocolate to artificially jack me up to write about the anthropology of violence before wrapping myself in a blanket and hunkering down at my laptop. I've got no time to waste, it's practically Tuesday.

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