Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Fun and Games for Mardi Gras

So this pretty much confirms that I've got some seriously miswired synapses, but see if you can figure out what it completely awesome about this sign in the basement of the Taylorian library:


Anonymous said...

Isn't there a word missing?

Rob said...

What's awesome is that it's a haiku.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is definitely awesome it's a haiku :P I'm really proud of myself for catching that, actually lol

Anonymous said...

You´re the weirdest person ever. I love you.

Ryan said...

Wow, you guys are good. And you make me feel less weird about spotting that. :)

Angelo said...

Haiku! What a cool library to have that... Better than another plaque about Lamont donors. Or something.